Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My personal take on Valentines Day

While I know there was much celebrating yesterday for Valentines' Day, I just can't get excited about it. I think it is great for the people who get nice things and go out to dinner and really show their love towards their significant other, however, my attitude is, shouldn't you want to show your love throughout the rest of the year? I also think some of it is a waste of money. The cost of the bouquet of flowers my husband could get me on Valenetine's, could buy me two of the same bouquet any other time of the year. I also feel like too many peole put too much pressure on what will happen on this holiday that they end up being let-down in the long run. That is no fun for anyone!

I don't want to be a Debbie-downer regarding this holiday and I am happy for everyone who had a FABULOUS holiday, but this is my blog and I feel as though I can speak my mind freely.

With that said, however, my husband and I did have a quite night at home. I made a new pasta sauce that I have been wanting to try, we ate used our crystal stemware and china that we started getting for our wedding, and I made a special dessert as well. When dinner was almost done, I went to change my clothes and I came out to a candle-lit apartment with my favorite songs playing. It was perfect and not overdone. There was no pressure.

These are the little guys I made for dessert! They were the perfect size. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the ones I made but they looked very similar to these!

Pictures of the apartment when I came from changing my clothes!

Am I being a hypocrite? What did you and the love of your life do for Valentine's Day?

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