Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Selfish Newlywed

My first post in this blog I discussed my current work situation and how I am not completely satisfied by it. When I say satisfaction, I am not talking about money or benefits, but what I am taking away from the position. On a regular basis I ask myself if I have learned anything new about myself or about the industry, and on a pretty regular basis the answer is "I have learned this is not where I want to be." In my current role, I have never once answered, "Yes, even though I secretly cried after a student yelled at me and I have two meetings this evening and a paper to write for graduate school, I still love what I do and wouldn't trade it." While that answer doesn't specifically apply to my current position but very much so with my last position, I still want to know and see how far I can be pushed and see what I can handle.

I know I should be happy that I have a job. I get it. The economy sucks, there are millions of people without work, I have a nice home, a great husband, great friends, great family, etc. but I want more. I know this sounds selfish, but I want more out of my career. My current job is not a career and I view it as just a job. But when do I just give it up and be content with my current work situation. It is hard for me to be content when I spend approximately 36% of my waking hours at a job that I don't like and feel that I am not making a difference. I blame this on my parents for raising me too well. I could care less if I make more money, but I want to know that at the end of the day, I have made a difference. I think it is great that my parents instilled this philosophy in me: money isn't important, helping people and making a difference is.

Even though we are settled in, I am still applying for jobs elsewhere. Adam is a blessing and still tells me to go for it if I will be happier. I just feel that everything else in my life is essentially seamless and perfect, but my job situation isn't. Am I being selfish? Do I want to much or have too high of expectations? Is it bad to want a well-rounded life and career?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

103rd Best Ever part 2

Well the St. Pat's festivities have finally concluded at the Missouri S&T campus and in the community of Rolla. To recap, I had a friend come down and partake in the festivities with me. Friday night we went to the coronation ceremony of all the student knights and honorary knights. I normally wouldn't have gone to this except my dad became an honorary knight this year and this is a very high honor at Missouri S&T.

My dad and I after his coronation.

After the coronation we headed over to The Grotto-local establishment. Unfortunately, I did not get any pictures that the infamous bar, but I wish I could. There were people there ranging from men who attended school back in the 60s to current students now. It was a very diverse population!

Saturday morning was the parade which I did get some good pictures of! Since my dad was a knight he was able to ride in a corvette and throw beads. There were floats, kudgels, horses, marching bands, the whole nine yards. There was even this:

Well, I don't know why it is turned on its side and I don't know how to fix it, but I think you get the idea. St. Pat's really does bring out the crazies! Notice I was being respectful by not including her head!

Me and Val

Dad throwing beads!

St. Pat and his guards riding into town

My brother, my dad, and me
Also, every year, St. Pats committee sponsors a free concert. This year it was Reel Big Fish. The hubby was very excited as it is his kind of music!

All in all, it was a good weekend. Every year it is different, but always fun!

Tomorrow is the real St. Pats holiday (and I like to think my national holiday) so eat some corned beef, soda bread, and drink so green beer for me!

Do you have any St. Pats traditions?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Lenten Resolution

Today marks the beginning of Lent for 2011. Ash Wednesday has always been a favorite mass of mine. The solemnity associated with the mass helps me reflect about what Lent is truly about and what my focus should be on.

In the past, I have always given up some kind of food such as Diet Coke, chocolate, fried food, etc. I feel as though giving up those things was done more out of selfishness than me trying to better myself spiritually and morally. This year I have decided to do something different not just because of the selfishness factor, but also because I have been able to successfully maintain healthy eating habits for the past couple weeks so I feel as though giving up bad food would be a cop-out.

This year, I have decided to give up gossiping. The main reason behind this is because I have more recently started to feel uncomfortable with the gossip that surrounds me; more specifically negative gossip that I feel can be hurtful. I just don't want to surround myself with that kind of negativity. If I am able to separate myself from it, I think I will be a more positive person and an overall better person because of it. I am confident there will be some slip-ups and I think that is alright, as long as I recognize it and try to correct it.

In addition to giving up gossiping, I am also trying to find something that Adam and I can do together to celebrate the season. Since Adam , is in the process of becoming Catholic, I think it would be nice to work with him on learning to pray the rosary. It would be a good refresher for me and something that could be habit, post-lent, for us to do.

Lastly, it is time for me to go to confession. A lot of people who are not Catholic do not understand the importance/reasoning behind confession, and I don't blame you. From day 1 when I did my first reconciliation, I had a hard time understanding the purpose behind it and still do but always had a sense of relief after I had done it. It wasn't until I was in college that I started to feel uncomfortable going to confession. So, I haven't been in several years but it is time this year to start going again. Since Adam will be making his first confession during this year's Lent, it is time that I get back in the habit of doing it as well.

For more information on Lent and the Easter Season, I would recommend checking out this site: Keep in mind this is the Catholic church's stand on Lent and Easter and I do recognize that other forms of Christianity celebrate/recognize this season as well.

What have you decided to do for Lent? Do you and your family have special tradition in recognition of Lent?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

103rd Best Ever-Part 1

Those who are remotely familiar with Missouri University of Science and Technology or with Rolla, in general, know that St. Patrick's Day is quite a big deal. The celebration has already started and will end on Sunday. In addition to the student's Spring Break which is in a few weeks, they get two additional days off of classes this week to celebrate. I don't think someone can fully appreciate the wonder of St. Pats unless you were either a student at Missouri S&T or are from the area.

I have had the opportunity to celebrate several St. Pat's celebrations throughout the years in various ways. This year, it falls on the hubby's birthday and one of my very best friends will be coming down to celebrate as well. She has more of a connection to St. Pats than some of of my other friends because she knew several people who went to school here and is very familiar with it all. All-in-all, it should be a very good time.

In the past, I have always known someone who went to school here and hung out at their house or went to some fraternity houses. Now that I am in my ripe old age of 24, I don't think the fraternity house thing will happen and the house parties won't be happening so I guess it will be time for me to experience the Rolla bar-scene which consists of a.) The Grotto (small bar, in a basement, with no circulation-you could call it a Missouri S&T institution) b.) the Public House Brewery (micro-brewery which just opened up-pretty decent) c.) the Tater Patch (a biker bar) d.) The Lock Room (bar above a furniture store...enough said) and e.) Brunos (standard bar). The bar scene in Rolla isn't much and maybe I would think more of it if I had gone to school here, but I am willing to give it a shot and maybe do a Rolla bar crawl this weekend. I can be the driver since I will not be drinking. No, I am not pregnant. Just trying to have a healthier lifestyle! I can chauffeur around my friend and husband!

For more details and the history of St. Pats you can check it out at or go to

I will be post pictures and stories of the weekend next week!