For those who do not know a lot about me, I work in administration for a university-specifically for fraternities and sororities. While I do still work full-time during the summer months, my schedule is much more flexible and relaxed. during the school year, I work, on average, 50-60 hours/week. I am not complaining by any means because I really love my job but it is a breath of fresh air when summer rolls around and I have more "free" time. I am also grateful to work in an environment where we all understand how much everyone works during the school year so I have the ability to be fairly flexible with my time during the summer. If I need a longer lunch to maybe take a nap, I can do it. If I need to leave early because I am not feeling well, not a problem. I honestly couldn't imagine working 50-60 hours/week being this pregnant. I had to in my first trimester and I never saw Adam because I went to bed as soon as I got home.
This weekend I was really able to think about the simple things that I sometimes take for granted. I had no plans this weekend (a blessing in itself) so I was really able to relax and get caught up on some things!
There are few things better than:
- Sleeping in freshly clean sheets in a made bed. I will be honest, I don't always make my bed in the morning but I don't know why I don't because I always sleep better!
- 60 degree weather in JULY! Yes, we just had that this weekend and it got me so excited for Fall (my favorite season). It was great having the windows open and enjoying the relief from the 90+ degree weather we had been having.
- Enjoying a good book with my Woodwick going-since it was rainy and chilly (by summer standards), this weekend was the perfect weekend to stay cozy in bed and read, and read, and read!
- Getting a blissful 10 hours of sleep Friday night!
Some 34 Week Updates:
- Nesting is in full force. This past weekend, I dusted our entire apartment, vacummed every room, finished everything for the baby (the nursery is DONE, the diaper bag is packed, laundry is finished, diapers and wipes are stocked up and put away), organized our linen closet, and did some final crafts for the nursery.
- I am completely obsessed with looking at our 3D ultrasound pictures. I do it at least once a day. I already think she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen so I cannot even imagine how I will be when she is here! Below is a picture of me when I was a newborn next to one of her pictures. I see some resemblances. Without even having to compare the two pictures my dad thought she looked like me and so did one of my friends. I wish I had a picture of newborn Adam to compare. What do you all think, do you see any resemblance?
- Symptoms: If I sit for too long, my tail bone starts to hurt so I try to move around every twenty minutes to help with circulation and to get the pressure off of my tailbone. Sometimes she really likes to hang out by my ribs which has made it really difficult to take deep breaths in. Usually when I nudge her a bit, she will move further down. On the flip side, there are times where I can tell that she is really low in my pelvis-definitely all over the place!
- I had my 34 week appointment this week. I will have another appointment in two weeks then I start going every week. That means I will technically be "full term" and she could come any time after that appointment! Crazy!
- I have actually lost half a pound since my last appointment. While I wasn't thrilled of my 5 lb weight gain, I definitely don't want to lose weight. So now, I have gained a total of 12.5 lbs. I am hoping this just means a small, but healthy baby! My doctor wasn't too concerned with it but just told me I shouldn't lose any more weight!
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