The most important thing is that the baby is looking healthy (good brain development, strong heart, kidneys, stomach, bladder, etc)-all the important organs! He told us based on the measurements and my weight gain thus far to expect the baby to weigh about 6.5-7 lbs at delivery if I deliver at 40 weeks-I am somewhat skeptical on the accuracy of this but it sounds much better than a 9.5 lb baby (like me!) so I will take it!
The doctor printed off about 10 pictures of different things and this is the best one I have of the profile. Hoping to get a better one in a couple weeks! If you look right below the chin, you can see the elbow bent and the hand on the face-So dramatic! Adam said its a little Erin!
Like mentioned above, we are planning on doing another ultrasound in a couple weeks to get the gender!
Here I am at 20 weeks-we were busy moving all day (hence no sign and a mess) and I was running late for a meeting so ignore my hair! Feeling pretty good about how I look so far! I know my belly is going to start growing fast from here on out! In case you were wondering-Baby C is about the length of a banana!
- How far along? 20 weeks
- Total weight gain/loss: Gained 5 pounds total
- Maternity clothes? I am still able to wear a few pairs of regular pants to work. The picture above is the only pair of jeans that still fit-and I use that very loosely since the zipper only goes halfway up and a rubber band is holding them up! For the most part-yes, I am wearing maternity clothes.
- Stretch marks? Boo! This is a big area of contention with me. I am starting to get really little marks (not lines but a few marks) on my belly. I am really sad since I have done a good job at not gaining a lot of weight but my belly is definitely growing. I was using Palmers and Bio-Oil and I have come to the conclusion that is just how your skin is. I am still using it in hopes it will help fade them quick.
- Sleep: So-so.
- Best moment this week: Seeing our beautiful baby!
- Miss Anything? Wine and Margaritas. We are in the process of moving so something to help take the edge off at the end of the day would be nice :)
- Movement: Oh yes! Especially in the evening after I eat or drink something.
- Food cravings: Not really anything
- Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
- Gender: I still think girl. Adam now thinks boy.
- Labor Signs: NO WAY!!!
- Symptoms: None
- Belly Button in or out? In!
- Wedding rings on or off? On!
- Happy or Moody most of the time: So-so. If we weren't in the process of moving right now, my mood would be much more positive, more frequently. It has recently hit me that Adam is leaving in less than a month for his internship which has me stressed as well.
- Looking forward to: We are headed to one of my happy places this weekend-Kansas City. Ultimately, we hope to end up in KC one day. My in-laws live there and most of our friends are in Kansas City. Plus, it is about 3-3.5 hours from Rolla where my family is and about 3 hours from Omaha where the rest of Adam's family is. Anyway, one of my very good friends is having her shower this weekend and Adam and I plan to register!
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