Well the St. Pat's festivities have finally concluded at the Missouri S&T campus and in the community of Rolla. To recap, I had a friend come down and partake in the festivities with me. Friday night we went to the coronation ceremony of all the student knights and honorary knights. I normally wouldn't have gone to this except my dad became an honorary knight this year and this is a very high honor at Missouri S&T.
My dad and I after his coronation.
After the coronation we headed over to The Grotto-local establishment. Unfortunately, I did not get any pictures that the infamous bar, but I wish I could. There were people there ranging from men who attended school back in the 60s to current students now. It was a very diverse population!
Saturday morning was the parade which I did get some good pictures of! Since my dad was a knight he was able to ride in a corvette and throw beads. There were floats, kudgels, horses, marching bands, the whole nine yards. There was even this:
Well, I don't know why it is turned on its side and I don't know how to fix it, but I think you get the idea. St. Pat's really does bring out the crazies! Notice I was being respectful by not including her head!
Me and Val |
Dad throwing beads! |
St. Pat and his guards riding into town |
My brother, my dad, and me |
Also, every year, St. Pats committee sponsors a free concert. This year it was Reel Big Fish. The hubby was very excited as it is his kind of music!
All in all, it was a good weekend. Every year it is different, but always fun!
Tomorrow is the real St. Pats holiday (and I like to think my national holiday) so eat some corned beef, soda bread, and drink so green beer for me!
Do you have any St. Pats traditions?
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