Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Name Game...29 Weeks

I unexpectedly had to go to Wisconsin for a few days due to a death in the family. While I would have loved to see my family under better circumstances, it was still great seeing them. Many of them I haven't seen since at least our wedding which was three years ago so this was obviously the first time they saw me since becoming pregnant. Not seeing them brought lots of questions. The main one was "Have you thought of names?"And of course, we received SEVERAL suggestions-Roxanne (a favorite of my grandmother's) to Jade (a favorite of my nine year old cousin) and a lot in between.

Adam and I have made the decision to not tell people what we are naming the baby or tell people what we are seriously considering naming the baby. When the baby is born, that is when we will decide what to name her. We have found that if we tell people what we are thinking, we don't always get the best reactions-"Really?!? (with a look) You're thinking of THAT name?"Once she is born, no one will really focus on the name but instead of the excitement of having her here. If they aren't a fan of the name, they will learn to like it because it is HER name.

I will tell you that we like traditional, classic names. Even before we found out we were having a girl, we were already discussing names for both a boy and a girl. I also would like to have at least the first or middle name to be a saint name or a biblical name.

So, that is all I have as far as names go. I guess you will have to tune in early to mid-September to see what we are naming her!

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Vaccination Conversation

So this topic may be a bit controversial. It may may spark some comments. And it may upset people, but, since I have blogged about every other aspect of this pregnancy, I feel an obligation to throw this one out there as well.

I would like to preface this by saying, I am clearly not a medical expert. I am not a parenting expert (if those even exist) and I am not an infant development specialist. I am, however, a woman who has a responsibility to this child and owes her the small amount of time that goes into researching this topic to make as much of an informed decision as possible. Fortunately, I am a nerd and like to research, read, and explore every possibility. I am also fortunate that I am married to someone who has an open mind and is willing to listen.

Adam and I have learned that there are a lot decisions that need to be made regarding this little human. We are no longer responsible for ourselves but for this baby. As one who asks a lot of questions and researches, the topic of vaccination was right up my alley.

When I initially started research, I made the decision to purchase The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for your Child. What I like most about this book is that it doesn't tell you what you should and shouldn't do, but lays out all of your options-options I didn't even know existed. Initially, it outlines each of the vaccines included in the current vaccination schedule by discussing the purpose of that vaccination, the risk of the child catching that disease based off of a variety of factors, and how that vaccination is made up. Again, it lays out the facts without opinion.

It then goes on to discuss the purpose of multiple rounds of certain vaccinations and then discusses the different schedules and how schedules have evolved.

What I find most fascinating is how the vaccination schedule has changed from when I was baby to now. There are so many more vaccinations that a child receives now opposed to 27 years ago. The question I have always had was "Why? I think I turned out perfectly fine." It isn't because I think vaccinations are evil. In fact, I am grateful for how far our medical community has come to prevent such diseases. I just wonder if it is necessary for the schedule to be so crowded. Is there a way the schedule can be formatted so my baby isn't receiving six shots at one time? I am not concerned about the pain this would bring as that goes away almost instantly, but the side effects this can have one someone so tiny and young.

If you read Dr. Sears' book, he provides several different schedules based on what you think is necessary for your child. So, here it is: Adam and I have decided to follow the alternative schedule. The only difference between this schedule and what the CDC recommends is that our baby won't receive the Hep B shot once she is born (like literally the day of) but instead receive it when she is older. The other difference is that the shots are more spread out. This will mean more visits to the doctor, but won't be as taxing on her developing immune system. That's it.

One thing that will be easy for people to jump to conclusions with is I am doing this because I believe there is a link between vaccinations and autism. I would be lying if I said this didn't cross my mind. While there was a lot of buzz about a possible link between the two, the research that was initially conducted has been "debunked." The problem with autism is that no one knows how it is caused and no one knows how to treat it. If I listened to everything that people say I should or shouldn't do while pregnant or raising a baby to prevent autism, I would go crazy. The most recent things I have heard that cause autism are: Taking too much acetaminophen, having too many ultrasounds, drinking too much caffeine, eating read meat, and the list goes on. Anyway, I am rambling, what I am trying to say is that while autism was something I initially thought about regarding vaccinations, there is no way of knowing. I am not about to put our baby's life at risk over something that may or may not be true.

So, that is where I am with vaccinations. I appreciate all opinions and welcome any comments or feedback and am interested in hearing the thought process that went into other's decision.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day! 28 Weeks...Almost

I truly believe I have the best parents a girl could ask for. On Mother's Day, I wrote about the qualities I  admire and hope to have from my mother. Today is about my dad.

You can describe me as a "daddy's girl" if you will. I do and I am fine with that. I have always been close to my dad and as I prepare to become a parent, there are several qualities about my father that I hope I can possess when this baby is born. My dad is one of the most patient and caring people I have had the privilege of knowing. He also has a creativity and imagination that most five year olds would be jealous of. This made my childhood exciting and never boring!

Often times I hear, "Girls tend to marry men like their father." When I first married Adam, I would have never agreed with that statement. As Adam and I continue to settle into our marriage more and I can see him become more paternal as he prepares for fatherhood, there are qualities about Adam that are very similar to my dad. What I admire most about my father are some of the qualities that made me fall in love with Adam. As I mentioned in a previous post, Adam is one of the most caring and patient men I have had the privilege of knowing. His overall demeanor is laid-back and carefree which is a great balance for me. These same qualities are what, I believe, made my father such a great father! Again, seeing these qualities in Adam re-confirms he will be a great dad-just like mine is.
My Daddy and Me.  I am pretty small in this picture and would venture to guess a few weeks to a month old.

Since I never added a photo for Mother's Day-here is a picture of mini-Erin and my mom! Isn't she beautiful?
  • How far along? 27 Weeks and 6 days-So 28 weeks! This officially puts me in my 3RD TRIMESER!!!!
  • Total weight gain/loss: Not sure...I haven't been weighing myself at home but I don't think it is more than a couple pounds. Since I had only gained seven pounds at my 25 week appointment I am going to venture in saying I have gained between 8-9 lbs. 
  • Maternity clothes? Pretty much all I wear. I wear a lot of dresses to work-some maternity, some pre-pregnancy. I can get by wearing the belly band with a some pre-pregnancy pants and shorts.
  • Stretch marks? Fortunately, no more than my last post. I have been putting Palmers on my belly religiously twice a day. This isn't really to prevent them because I don't think that is possibly, but to start fading the current ones I have gotten. 
  • Sleep: Ugh!!! I just one last night of good sleep before the baby comes. It isn't necessarily about having to go the bathroom but I find it hard to get comfortable. Blah!
  • Best moment this week: Spending the weekend, and kind of my birthday with Adam.
  • Miss Anything? Not really
  • Movement: Oh yes! I wouldn't expect anything less of our future gymnast! Earlier in the week she was moving so much I could actually see it through my shirt. Crazy!!!
  • Food cravings: WATERMELON-cannot get enough. At least it is healthy right?
  • Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
  • Gender: GIRL 
  • Labor Signs: NO WAY!!!
  • Symptoms: Still some round ligament pain. I have also had some pain in my pelvis area. My doctor said this is just those muscles and ligaments relaxing and preparing for labor. It still seems so far away...
  • Belly Button in or out? In and I don't think it will ever pop out. 
  • Wedding rings on or off? On!
  • Happy or Moody most of the time: In a pretty good mood!
  • Looking forward to: Working on nursery projects!

Friday, June 14, 2013

27 Weeks on my 27th Birthday!

I have always loved my birthday and I have always said that Flag Day is my favorite holiday. Everyone keeps asking me if I am doing anything exciting for my birthday.Well, not really which is fine. Adam will be getting home later and I am pregnant (so have a drink for me)! I had a little work celebration earlier today but that's about it.

I remember how I would stretch my birthday celebration out as much as possible so instead of having a birthDAY, I was celebrating a birthMONTH. As I have gotten older, I have gotten less selfish which is probably a good thing since becoming a parent is probably going to be the most selfless role I play to date.

So here I am 27 years ago today! Wasn't I presh? Thanks to my mom for her 18 hours of being in labor, this little gem entered the world! Hopefully our little baby will have a head full of hair as well! (Remember when I said I was becoming less selfish? Clearly I need to work on being less conceited!)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Our Sweet Baby Girl...27 Weeks

That's right! We found out we are having a GIRL this weekend at our shower! We were so blessed with everyone who came and celebrated with us.

The shower was in Kansas City. A couple of the hostesses are from the area and it is a good midpoint for my family and us. The shower was a "Beau or Bow" theme and I knew from the time I got the invitation, the decorations and theme were going to be so cute and I was right. I have such creative friends and family. Below are a few pictures from the shower.

Adam with his mustache thinking its a boy!
Such cute cupcakes and the cake we cut into!

This can be my 27 week photo! Thanks to my super talented step-sister for making the pennant! 

Me and my momma!
My momma and my sister!
Such a cute cake!
It's a girl!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Have I told you about Adam? 26 weeks...

I have mentioned Adam here and there before. I have gone into more detail in posts concerning our anniversary or marriage but I haven't really talked about who he is as a person.

Adam is loyal and giving and sincere. Adam does not have to "prove himself" nor does he have to be the center of attention. Adam has a kind heart and a great sense of humor.

Adam is by far one of the most caring and selfless people I have had the privilege of meeting. When I think back on when I first met him, he wonders, and so do I (admittedly), what I initially saw in him. He was a scruffy, 19 year old, who wasn't real concerned with school and more concerned with having fun. But, he was nice and took the time to listen and get to know me.

That was almost ten years ago and we, along with our relationship, have changed and evolved drastically. He has become driven and motivated. He is a hard-worker and will do anything for those he cares about.

With Adam gone this summer, it has given me the opportunity to reflect on a lot of things but really learn to appreciate who Adam is.

While I blog this pregnancy, you have probably read that I have been moody and irrational at times and you have also probably read how Adam is practically a saint for putting up with me when I haven't treated him the best. It is incredible to see the amount of patience he has for me and this makes me love him more because I know he will be an incredible father. Experiencing how caring and protective he has been throughout this pregnancy makes me appreciate him more as a husband, friend, and a person.

While I edge toward the final stage of this pregnancy, I realize I need to show my appreciate for Adam more because I know it will be shown less once the baby is here.

Happy 26 weeks and happy knowing Adam for eight years!